Thursday, December 16, 2010

JSR for Java 7 and Java 8 approved ! :-(

Here is a good article covering the mood of the JCP process. Apache and Google voted NO. Others complained and voted YES. It looks gloomy thinking what Oracle is going to do to Java. Its time to learn the next programming language Python or Ruby guys and gals.

Oracle tinkering with the Java licensing could mean many companies will think twice before using Java going forward. Atleast ISVs, as the majority do not wants to pay Oracle for the application server JVM and the database. Oracle Database is just great.... Otherwise it is like getting charged an arm and a leg:-)

This along with the nature of today's programming being more of building Web Applications, brings other compelling reasons on why users need to learn other programming languages. Ruby (Ruby On Rails) or Python could be good options to shift to. The new generation programming languages bring in more cool features (that improve developer productivity) that are lacking in Java.

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