Monday, June 22, 2009

updates for business critical functions vs twitter updates

I have observed many times people are able to make twitter updates with amazing regularity. Stress here is on "regularity" not quantity. But I have seen others who always have an excuse of not having "time" to keep the CRM updated.

Or to put it in another way, it has been hard to make the team do a "business critical" function like keeping the "sales CRM updated" when compared with a "socializing" function like writing personal comments on twitter !

What makes this possible ? I am sure employees mean well. So ...

Well twitter has twitterfox that makes tweeting a breeze. I guess the main reason for this lack of enthusiasm among employees to update a "business critical" function is lack of usable interfaces or in other words the drudgery of existing mechanisms.

So reduce this drudgery and make them more productive by giving them cool widgets and interfaces to your million dollar CRM investments.

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